Heaven on Earth
In violent summers Frenchmen under Paine of death
and sans culottes dreamed of Rights of men and liberty's tree,
Taken with rushes of American nirvana, states fell in the hope of heaven.
Brave patriots of Corsica, Poland and Haiti stumbled into their rights of men,
Under sight of Liberty Statutes, we believed in freedom.
Heaven came to earth and men made free,
Free to what? The Freedom of Illuminati and Masonry
christless communion and Reason's Goddess.
This Holy Madness swept to Venezuelan shore and Turkic bath,
All signed Emile's contract of social grace.
But history's hinge lies elsewhere, hidden from view,
In creaking barn doors with the birth of a Jew,
Heaven came to earth under Tyrant's heavy chain,
Which only love's mystery could fully tame.
And today, on Christmas streets of commerce,
In every corner church, carols float traditionally by,
And beacons of heaven go unlit. Liberty and Equality
the gods of our age cloud our minds,
when more ancient words knock,
Take up your cross, pour yourself out, give and you will find.
Unhinge us, Lord to receive your coming this advent,
Fling wide the heavenly gates, the King of Glory is here.
and sans culottes dreamed of Rights of men and liberty's tree,
Taken with rushes of American nirvana, states fell in the hope of heaven.
Brave patriots of Corsica, Poland and Haiti stumbled into their rights of men,
Under sight of Liberty Statutes, we believed in freedom.
Heaven came to earth and men made free,
Free to what? The Freedom of Illuminati and Masonry
christless communion and Reason's Goddess.
This Holy Madness swept to Venezuelan shore and Turkic bath,
All signed Emile's contract of social grace.
But history's hinge lies elsewhere, hidden from view,
In creaking barn doors with the birth of a Jew,
Heaven came to earth under Tyrant's heavy chain,
Which only love's mystery could fully tame.
And today, on Christmas streets of commerce,
In every corner church, carols float traditionally by,
And beacons of heaven go unlit. Liberty and Equality
the gods of our age cloud our minds,
when more ancient words knock,
Take up your cross, pour yourself out, give and you will find.
Unhinge us, Lord to receive your coming this advent,
Fling wide the heavenly gates, the King of Glory is here.